Rosewater cream
1.Sift flour and sugar into medium bowl, gradually stir in combined eggs, milk and oil; stir until smooth. Cover, stand 30 minutes.
2.Meanwhile, to make rosewater cream, beat cream, icing sugar and rosewater in small bowl with electric mixer until firm peaks form; tint pink with colouring.
3.Heat greased large heavy-based frying pan; pour 1/3 cup batter into pan, tilting pan to coat base evenly with batter.
4.Cook over low heat, loosening edge with spatula, until browned lightly. Turn crêpe; brown other side. Remove from pan. Repeat with remaining batter to make four crêpes. Using 6cm fluted round cutter, cut eight rounds from each crêpe.
5.Spoon rosewater cream into piping bag fitted with 1cm plain tube. Pipe cream in centre of each round; pinch middle of crêpes together to join.
6.Dip ends of each filled crêpe into nuts.