Home Baking

Tasty treats for Mother’s Day morning tea

Pop the kettle on and show Mum some love.

If you’ve got a lovely weekend in planned with your mum, why not pop on the kettle and whip up a batch of sweet and indulgent baked goods to go alongside your coffee or tea? We’ve pulled together the best Mother’s Day recipes which are perfect for morning tea.


From our classic vanilla slice and chocolate caramel slice recipes, to our lemonade and strawberry scones, this is comfort food done right. There’s also a couple of fruity tea cakes, pies and cookies, plus endless chocolate delights.

Looking for Mother’s Day breakfast ideas instead?

candied citrus cake
March 31, 2010

Candied citrus cake

candied citrus Combine sugar and the water in a large frying pan. Stir over low heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves; add orange and lime slices. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, uncovered, 15 minutes, turning slices occasionally. Remove from heat; cool slices on a wire rack. filling Beat ingredients in a […]
By Women's Weekly Food
marbled lamingtons
February 28, 1975

Marbled lamingtons

To keep the coconut free of chocolate drips, spread out half the coconut in a tray and coat half the lamingtons before using the remaining coconut for the remaining lamingtons. This gives the lamingtons a clean look. Lamingtons can be frozen for up to 3 months. Note
By Women's Weekly Food

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