Preheat oven to 220°C/425°F. Line two large oven trays with baking paper.
Combine oil, rind and thyme in a small jug; season. Rub cauliflowers with 2 tablespoons of the oil mixture. Add nuts to remaining oil mixture; stir to coat.
Place cauliflowers on one tray and nuts on remaining tray; season. Roast nuts for 4 minutes or until golden and cauliflowers for 50 minutes or until just tender and browned lightly.
Meanwhile, to make crème fraîche dressing, blend or process all ingredients until smooth; season to taste. Thin with a little extra milk if needed.
Combine watercress and dill; serve with cauliflowers. Sprinkle with roasted nuts and drizzle with crème fraîche dressing.
Recipe can be prepared 2 hours ahead, to the end of step 3. Keep covered in the fridge.