Scrub passionfruit. Remove stems. Remove pulp from passionfruit and reserve pulp and skins.
Combine passionfruit skins, lemon juice and the water in large saucepan; bring to the boil. Reduce heat, simmer, covered, about 30 minutes or until the white flesh inside the passionfruit skins turns a burgundy colour and is soft enough to remove from the outer skin. Drain; reserve liquid.
Using a teaspoon, scrape flesh from skins, discard outer skins.
 Measure flesh mixture, allow 1 cup of sugar for each cup of flesh mixture. Return flesh mixture, reserved liquid, sugar and reserved passionfruit pulp to the pan; stir over high heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves.
Bring the boil. Boil uncovered, without stirring, about 40 minutes or until jam jells when tested. Stand jam 10 minutes.
Pour hot jam into hot sterilised jars; seal immediately. Label and date jars when cold.
Recipe unsuitable to freeze or microwave.