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Kids’ crocodile cake

This fun and playful crocodile cake not only tastes delicious but is super fun to look at - perfect for a little kid's birthday party!
never smile at a crocodile



1.Make jelly following packet instructions. Pour into large 35cm x 45cm shallow plastic tray; refrigerate 1 hour or until set.
2.Position cakes, side-by-side, short ends together. Using a small serrated knife, trim the cakes into a crocodile shape. Use cake off-cuts to make legs. Position cakes on jelly.
3.Tint frosting green; carefully spread frosting all over top and sides of cake.
4.Using picture as a guide, position mint leaves, cut-side up, over crocodile’s body.
5.Using kitchen scissors, cut small wedges from the teeth lollies to create pointy teeth; position around mouth. Secure two M&M’s on the end of the nose for nostrils. Secure marshmallow on the top of the head for eyes, then attach the licorice slices with a little frosting for pupils.
6.Cut tops from milk bottles; cut each milk bottle into three lengthways. Position on legs as claws.

If you don’t like spearmint leaves, use green racing car lollies or green jubes for scales as an alternative. If using butter cream instead of the vanilla frosting, you will need 2 quantities of butter cream (see page 110). You will need 3 sponge slabs for this recipe.


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