Quick & Easy

Raspberry meringues with rosewater cream

raspberry meringues with rosewater cream with rosewater cream
12 Item
1H 50M



1.Preheat oven to 120°C (100°C fan forced). Grease two oven trays, line with baking paper.
2.Push 80g (2½ ounces) of the raspberries through fine sieve into small bowl, discard seeds. Cut remaining raspberries in half.
3.Beat egg whites in small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form. Gradually add caster sugar, one tablespoon at a time, beating until sugar dissolves between additions. Fold in raspberry puree for marbled effect.
4.Using large metal spoon, spoon meringue into 12 free-form shapes on trays.
5.Bake meringues about 1½ hours. Cool meringues in oven with door ajar.
6.Meanwhile, beat cream, icing sugar and rosewater in small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form.
7.Top meringues with cream and raspberry halves.

It is fine to use just one 300ml carton of cream for this recipe. Raspberry meringues with rosewater cream. Spoon meringue onto baking-paper-lined tray into 12 free-form shapes about 5cm (2 inches) apart. Bake in very slow oven until meringues feel dry to touch.


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