Quick & Easy

Ginger powder puffs

ginger powder puffs
12 Item



1.Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). Grease and flour two 12-hole shallow round-based patty pans.
2.Beat eggs and sugar in a small bowl with electric mixer until thick and creamy. Fold in triple-sifted dry ingredients. Divide mixture among pan holes. Bake about 8 minutes.
3.Working quickly, loosen edges of cakes using palette knife, then turn immediately onto baking-paper-lined wire racks to cool.
4.Meanwhile, to make orange cream, beat cream and sifted icing sugar in a small bowl with electric mixer until firm peaks form. Fold in rind
5.Just before serving, sandwich puffs together with orange cream. Serve lightly dusted with a little sifted icing sugar.

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