Quick & Easy


recipe best made just before serving microwave not suitable Note
maple-syrup-flavoured pork belly with pecans
Dinner ideas

Maple-syrup-flavoured pork belly with pecans

Many cooks think pecans are only suitable used in desserts, but they are just as good in salads, stuffings and main courses. They are also great tossed in curry spices then roasted or coated in chocolate or toffee. Studies show that pecans contain the most antioxidants of any nut and about 60 per cent of […]
soft grape gelato with nutmeg wafers

Soft grape gelato with nutmeg wafers

If seedless white grapes are out of season, simply purchase white grapes and seed them yourself. The high sugar content of this dessert will ensure the gelato remains soft and will not freeze solid. Note
caramel apple topping for pancakes recipe

Caramelised apple pancakes

Golden, caramelised apples are the perfect topping for these light, fluffy pancakes. Drizzle with syrup and add a dollop of cream or ice-cream for a truly decadent dessert.
strawberry toffee pops
Quick & Easy

Strawberry toffee pops

A charmingly simple way to decorate and serve delicious fresh strawberries - either as a simple treat on their own or with ice-cream for a more substantial dessert.