Quick & Easy

Thick omelette

Thick omelette



1.In a large jug, stir egg, water, sugar, mirin and light soy for about 1 minute, or until sugar dissolves.
2.In a square frying pan or medium frying pan, heat a little of the oil over medium heat. Pour in enough egg mixture to just cover base of pan; cook, for about 30 seconds, tilting pan to spread mixture evenly. Break any large air bubbles so the omelette lies flat. When the mixture is almost set, run a spatula around the edge of pan to loosen omelette.
3.Starting from back of pan, fold omelette into three towards front of pan. Gently push folded omelette to back of pan.
4.Lightly oil the pan again, repeat process, lifting up the cooked omelette so egg mixture runs underneath it. When nearly cooked, fold in three, starting with the omelette already cooked and folded. Repeat this step until all mixture is used.
5.Tip omelette onto a bamboo mat and wrap firmly to form a compact rectangle. Cool; cut into 1cm slices.
6.Serve omelette with japanese soy and daikon.

Bamboo mats are available at Japanese supermarkets and selected Asian supermarkets. Not suitable to freeze. Not suitable to microwave.


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