Home Quail


quail recipe

16 ways to serve quail

Succulent, dark meat is the trademark of these little birds, and they sure are versatile. Fire up the barbecue this summer and keep it simple with a salt-and-pepper seasoning, or try an Asian-style quail marinated in sake. Look out for quail in specialty butchers and plate up an impressive feast for your friends this entertaining season.
quail with tomatoes and mint dressing

Quail with tomatoes and mint dressing

For a more intense flavour, combine cooked quail and mint dressing in a large bowl; cover, refrigerate 3 hours or overnight. Remove from refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving. Stir in tomato. Note
italian roasted quail

Italian quail with oregano

Do not be afraid of this little bird as when it is done well, it is perfection. Be careful not to overcook or it will dry out; when the meat feels firm and the juices are clear, it is done.
quail recipe

Char-grilled quail with cauliflower and pomegranate salad

To butterfly quails, cut down either side of the back bone with a pair of kitchen scissors, poultry shears or a knife; discard backbone, open quails out flat. To remove seeds from the pomegranate, cut a whole pomegranate in half and scrape the seeds from flesh with your fingers while holding the pomegranate upside down […]
cumin roasted quail

Cumin roasted quail

Quail can be bought already boned, but with the bones remaining in the legs and wings. Ask the butcher or poultry shop to remove any remaining bones for you, if you like. We’ve chosen to leave all the bones intact in the recipe. Quail can be prepared for cooking a day ahead of the picnic, […]