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sultana scones

Sultana scones

What could be better than your average scone? One studded with juicy sultanas and flavoured with cinnamon and citrus, of course!
Raspberry gelato

Raspberry gelato

A taste of summer comes in every cone with this frozen treat. It's easier to make with an ice-cream machine, but can also be done without one.
Citrus almond twist

Citrus almond twist

With layers of sweet almond and citrus filling and pillowly bread, this citrus almond twist is the ultimate afternoon tea companion.
caramel meringue pie

20 sweet desserts using condensed milk

Got a can of condensed milk on hand? You're on track to making of world of different decadent desserts. From tarts to slices, eclairs to cakes - is there nothing this simple ingredient can't do?
Chocolate Peppermint Slice

Chocolate peppermint slice

Recreate a childhood favourite with this divine chocolate and peppermint slice recipe that is wonderful sliced and shared with loved ones over a pot of tea.