roasted vegetable tart

Roasted vegetable tart

Garlic is easy to roast and has a more mellow taste than it does raw or fried. Make it and freeze it by the tablespoon wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. Roasted garlic beaten with softened butter adds a whole new dimension of flavour to mashed potato or steamed corn cobs. Note
red beans AND RICE

Red beans and rice

You need one trimmed corn cob to get the amount of corn kernels required for this recipe; canned corn kernels or frozen corn kernels, if you prefer. Note
one teddy and his bed

One teddy and his bed

One-year-olds may be too young to eat the cachous, but they’ll certainly love the cake. Tiny heart-, star-, moon- and other-shaped cutters are sometimes sold as aspic cutters. Note
lamb fajitas

Lamb fajitas

Have a Tex-Mex night with these delicious lamb fajitas, guacamole and salsa cruda.