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chocolate orange truffles with boozy prunes and ginger

Chocolate orange truffles with boozy prunes and ginger

Grand Marnier or Cointreau can be used for the orange-flavoured liqueur. Store truffles in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Truffles, without cocoa coating, can be frozen for up to 3 months. Remove from freezer 1 hour before serving and dusting with cocoa. Note
chocolate layer cake

Chocolate layer cake

There's no cake like an chocolate layer cake, and this one will be sure to turn heads when presented at any party.
gateau st honore

Gateau St Honoré

This gorgeous French dessert is worthy of any dinner party or family event. The combination of cream-filled puffs, crisp, spun toffee and a buttery pastry base creates the ultimate sweet recipe.
cake pop Baby Rattles

Cake pop baby rattles

Equipment 18 x 30cm cake pop sticks; large square styrofoam block; 2 paper piping bags. Use any firm-textured cake to make cake pops ­ mud, fruit, coconut or butter cakes all work well. Leftover Christmas cake or pudding are real winners as they’re usually moist. Cake pop sticks (also sold as `lollypop candy sticks’) are […]