Quick & Easy

Pineapple and passionfruit jam

Fruity, sweet and tart all in one spoonful, this divine homemade passionfruit and pineapple jam is wonderful spread on warm scones or freshly toasted sour dough.
Pineapple and passionfruit jamWoman's Day
2 Cup



1.Combine passionfruit pulp and pineapple in a large saucepan, then add sugar.
2.Stir over a low heat for 10 minutes, until sugar dissolves. Do not allow to boil.
3.Simmer, without stirring, 20-25 minutes, or until setting point is reached (see tip).
4.Ladle into warm, sterilised jars. When cool, seal and label jars.

500g is about 2 cups of passionfruit pulp or around 28 passionfruit. When jam-making, as a general rule you need 1 cup sugar to every 1 cup of fruit. To test for a jam’s setting point, place a small quantity of the mixture onto a saucer. Allow to cool. If its ready, it will gel and wrinkle when moved. If the jam is not firm enough, add some jam setter following the packet instructions.


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