Quick & Easy

Monogrammed cupcakes

Monogrammed cupcakes
12 Item


Dark chocolate ganache


1.Knead ready-made icing on surface dusted with a little cornflour until icing loses its stickiness. Roll icing on cornfloured surface into a 3mm (-inch) thickness.
2.Lift 12 monogrammed images off backing paper, brush backs of images lightly with a little water, secure to icing about 1cm (½-inch) apart.
3.Use cutter to cut around each image, transfer to baking-paper-lined tray to dry overnight.
4.Divide cupcake mixture into paper cases, bake cupcakes according to recipe. Stand cakes in pan 5 minutes, turn top-side up onto wire rack to cool.
5.Meanwhile, to make chocolate ganache, stir ingredients in small saucepan over low heat until smooth.
6.Secure cupcake wrappers around cakes. Half-fill piping bag with ganache. Cut the tip from the bag, the opening should be about 2cm (¾-inch) wide. Pipe a swirl of ganache onto each cake, top with monogrammed rounds.

artist’s fine paint brush 3.5cm (1½-inch) round cutter 12 plain white paper cases large plastic disposable piping bag The cupcakes stale quickly so it’s best to use a fruit or mud cake for the best keeping qualities. The cakes can be made and frozen for 3 months. The monograms can be prepared at least a month ahead; store them in an airtight container between layers of baking paper. Position the monograms up to half a day before they’re needed. Personalise the cupcakes to suit the occasion ­ there are lots of similar edible images available at cake decorating shops and online. Make sure you cover the tops of the cakes with the ganache to keep the cakes as fresh as possible. The ganache will keep them sealed and fresh for a day or two. Once completed, store the cakes in a cool or air-conditioned room. Step 1 Using a sharp pointed vegetable knife, gently lift the edge of each monogram off the backing paper then carefully peel away from the paper. Step 2 Secure monograms to the icing by brushing the backs of the images with a little water. Use the cutter to cut out 12 rounds. Dry overnight. Step 3 Half-fill the piping bag with ganache. Start piping from the centre of the cakes, covering the top of the cake in a large swirl.


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