Quick & Easy

Chilli salt squid

This spicy seafood dish is perfect as a starter or tapas and will be done in under thirty minutes.
Chilli Salt SquidAustralian Women's Weekly



1.Gently separate body and tentacles of squid by pulling on tentacles. Cut head from tentacles just below eyes and discard head. Trim the long tentacle of each squid.
2.Remove the clear quill from inside the body and discard. If you have broken the ink sac, wash the squid thoroughly.
3.Peel the side flaps from body with salted fingers (the salt gives more grip), then peel away the dark skin. Wash squid well and pat dry with absorbent paper.
4.Cut along one side of the body and open out. Score the inside surface (without cutting all the way through) in a criss-cross pattern, using a small sharp knife. Cut the body into pieces.
5.Carefully (the oil will spit) deep-fry the chillies in hot oil until softened; drain on absorbent paper. Deep-fry coriander carefully (oil will spit) for 10 seconds or until changed in colour; drain on absorbent paper.
6.Toss squid in combined flour, extra chilli, salt and pepper. Deep-fry squid, in batches, until tender; drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkel squid with coriander and chilli.

Preparing and serving squid at home is easier than you think. Just follow our simple step-by-step recipe to create this exciting, restaurant-style dish. The squid can be prepared several hours ahead. This recipe is best made just before serving. Not suitable to freeze and microwave.


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