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Brandied cumquats

These preserved citrus fruits are great to use as a base for a whole range of desserts dishes such as pies, puddings, cakes and crumbles.
brandied cumquats
7 Cup



1.Wash and dry cumquats well, prick each one several times with a fine skewer or a thick needle.
2.Place cumquats, cinnamon and vanilla beans into sterilised jars; pour over enough of the combined sugar and brandy to cover cumquats completely. Seal.
3.Stand the jars in a cool, dark place for at least 2 months before using. Invert the jars every few days to help dissolve the sugar.

Buy cumquats when they are in season (autumn to spring). Serve brandied cumquats with ice-cream or use them in pies, puddings, cakes and crumbles. Drink the flavoured brandy as you would a liqueur.


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