Tips and techniques

How to activate almonds and home (and why you’d want to)

It looks like activated almonds might be here to stay. Here's how you can activate almonds at home - and also why anyone would want to activate almonds in the first place.
roasted and salted almonds in a white ramekin on a wooden table

It’s little wonder why almonds are considered an excellent and health snack. Naturally high in protein and minerals, they’re a valuable source of fatty acids. They are also exceptionally tasty – especially when roasted like tamari almonds Even so, there is a way to boost the health benefits of almonds and that is through activating them.

While the nuts we buy at the supermarket are known for their long shelf-lives, activated almonds need to be eaten within a couple of days. For this reason it’s wise to only activate as many almonds as you can reasonably consume within 24-48 hours.

Almonds are not the only nuts that can be activated in this way – this process also works well for any other nut you like to snack on, as well as seeds and legumes.

Activated almonds can be used in place of almonds in this spinach, mushroom and almond pasta.

What are activated almonds

An activated almond is an almond that has been soaked, most commonly in salt water, in order to stimulate the enzymes involves in the germination process.

As a result, activated almonds are considered to be easier to digest than regular raw almonds, and also better for us as the activation process makes it easier to absorb the nutrients and minerals naturally available in almonds.

Activated almonds are available in shops, but they can be very expensive. Which is why learning how to activate almonds at home is an excellent way to boost your health, enjoy a snack, and save those dollars.

Garnishing this potato soup with capsicum with almonds is an excellent way to add a crunchy texture and burst of flavour.

How to activate almonds

Fill a large bowl with roughly enough almonds to come a third of the way up the sides. Then, add enough water to the bowl until it is about two-thirds full. Add a teaspoon of salt at a time to the water, stirring, until it tastes about as salty as the sea.

It is important that the almonds are completely submerged in the salt water to prevent mould growing on the almonds. The almonds will swell slightly as they absorb the water.

Cover the bowl with a clean, dry cloth and soak the almonds for 7-12 hours.

After soaking, rinse the activated almonds. They can be eaten immediately for a tender, salty snack. However they can also be dehydrated and roasted.

How to roast activated almonds

Before roasting it is important to dehydrate the activated almonds. Lay activated almonds on a baking sheet and roast on a very low oven – 65 degrees – until completely dried out.

Remove the dehydrated almonds from the oven, and increase the oven to 160 degrees.

Toss dehydrated almonds with sea salt and rosemary and lay them out on a baking sheet and roast for about 10 minutes, tossing them halfway, or until the almonds have turned golden (they will also smell incredible at this point).

Allow the almonds to cool on the tray and then store them in an airtight container.

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